Backup vs. Export

Although both Backup and Export can be used to archive returns, each function stores different types of data and stores the files in different formats. The following differences between the features may help you decide the appropriate feature based on the task at hand:

The Backup feature:

  • Saves multiple versions of the return.
  • Saves bank product and e-filing information, such as important notices and enrollment data.
  • Is intended to be used as part of your office’s overall data storage/backup plan.
  • Should be used in conjunction with the Restore feature to get data back into ATX.

The Export feature:

  • Saves only the most recent copy of a return.
  • Stores data in an .atxExport file format.
  • Must be performed manually.
  • Does not save bank product and e-filing information such as important notices and enrollment data.
  • Should be used in conjunction with the Import feature to get data back into ATX.


See Also:

Exporting Returns

Backup and Restore